Artificial Inteligence in Biomedicine Group (ArBio) News
In this space, we publish the latest news of the ArBio group.
Presentation of work: "Interpretando la salida de un modelo de clasificación para identificar la
etapa de infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en imágenes estereoscópicas"
In: MEXCAS 2024 - XXI Simposio Mexicano de Computación en Imágenes Médicas.
Sponsor: Unidad Académica del IIMAS en el Estado de Yucatán y Centro Investigaciones Regionales “Dr. Hideyo Noguchi”.
Date: August 29, 2024.
Presentation of two works at the XIX PECET symposium event, Medellin, Colombia.
In August, the IX ChagasLeish Meeting and XIX PECET Symposium were held, organized by the PECET of the
University of Antioquia and the CIMPAT of the University of the Andes.
Two research papers were presented at this event.
The first paper was presented by Dr. Nidiyare Hevia entitled "Automatic system based on Deep Learning
for segmentation of amastigotes nests of T. cruzi in histological images". In this presentation,
Dra. Hevia presented Deep-Cruzi: a tool to segment amastigotes nests from histological micrographs.
The second paper was "Automatic classification of the stage of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in
stereoscopic images of cardiac muscle using artificial intelligence" presented by Dr. Blanca Vázquez.
In this section Dra. Vázquez presented the preliminary results of an interpretability approach
to highlight regions of interest from histological micrographs of Chagas.
Date: Aug 14-16, 2024.
1st Place Award For The Best Research Poster at XXIV Congreso Veterinario in Baja California, Mexico.
Priscila Montiel of Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) won the 1st place award
for the best research poster in “XXIV Congreso Veterinario de Baja California”,
with the title: “Detección de nidos de amastigote en órganos no cardíacos
en un modelo de infección experimental murino con Trypanosoma cruzi cepa H1, DTU TcI”.
The following researchers participated in this work: Mariana Ortega, Nidiyare Hevia-Montiel, Jorge Luis Pérez González,
Leonardo Guillermo Cordero, Alfonso de la Mora Valle, Gilberto Lopez, Enrique Trasviña,
Jonathan Arauz Cabrera, and Paulina Haro.
Date: Jun 24, 2024.
4th Girls' Science Fair
In June, the 4th Girls Scientists Fair was held, organized by ENES Mérida. In this fair, two works were presented.
The first work was presented by Paulina Solís and directed by Dra. Nidiyare Hevia titled
"Dinosaurs, why did they become extinct?". The second work was "The magic of butterflies"
presented by Alexia Ávila and directed by Dra. Blanca Vázquez.
Date: Jun 21, 2024.
Internship of Daniel Colín a master's student at the University of Rennes, France.
The internship is focused on the evolution processes of liver cancer (cellular hepatocarcinoma).
In particular, image processing is being carried out for
the extraction of parameters to contrast-enhanced
computed tomography (CT) images in a dynamic manner.
The goal is to identify relevant parameters that indicate the
level of vascularization of the malignant tissue and improve treatment
planning by accurately selecting patients suitable
for SIRT (Selective Internal Radio Therapy) treatment.
Sponsor: University of Rennes, France.
Date: From april to june, 2024.
1st place in the state award for "Tesis Yucatán 2024" in the area of Physics and Engineering at the undergraduate level with the thesis titled
"Técnicas de aprendizaje computacional y de textura en microfotografía Chagásica"
directed by Dra. Nidiyare Hevia Montiel.
Sponsor: Gobierno del estado de Yucatán, Secretaría de Investigación, Innovación y Educación Superior (SIIES).
Date: May 23, 2024.
Strengthening partnerships in the clinical area
Dr. Jorge Pérez strengthens collaborations with researchers and specialists from the
Instituto Nacional de Perinatología Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes.
Date: May 22, 2024.
Talk: "Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine Group (ArBio)"
In: International Networking Workshop on AI and Computational Image Analysis 2024.
Sponsor: UNAM Campus Sisal.
Date: March 12, 2024.
Third place in the Best Thesis Award "José Negrete Martínez" to Dra. Blanca Vázquez. Doctoral Thesis Category.
Sponsor: The Mexican Society for Artificial Intelligence (SMIA).
Date: Novembre 15, 2023.